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Fire Emblem Heroes

Hari ini saya ingin menulis artikel tentang Fire Emblem Heroes, salah satu game dari Nintendo yang cukup terkenal dikalangan RPG gamer. sela...

Minggu, 12 April 2015

The Trump Character-Yuki/Milia Braginsky( Her unique personality)

maybe it's still not the time to tell about the full data about the trump character but I just will tell you all about this one because this girl has unique personality, one of all her personality that her eyes color can change when she show her Expression.

All her Expression (this time I use Rinmaru because my draw still not good)



Happy 1



Surprise 2


Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Hahahaha- The Trump Ending(Bad)

HAHAHAHA.....Look Sister, Just now I killed someone. Sorry sister, I just..... I don't want to be alone again. Everyone hate me just because I'm not a human anymore, Sorry I know you don't hate me you like me but it's all your fault! because you Sister never care to me she only care to You Why? because you are the Joker ? because you the one who be train by her ?  Непростительное . I'm....I'm Sorry Yukio   Hehe.....hahahaha.....


Minggu, 05 April 2015

Everything Is Fine- The Trump Ending(Bad)

Everything is fine Don't Afraid that just your dream, your bad Dream.So don't cry that not your fault, that just happen in your dream everything just happen in your dream when you wake up everything will be fine. What the matter? you can't sleep? alright I will sing a lullaby for you.
  Сон Сон маленькая принцесса ....
(Sleep sleep little princess....)
  пусть ночь стать Вашим другом и звезды луны станет вашим свет
(let the night become your friend and the moon star become your light)
  есть хороший сон во сне теперь .... 
(have a nice dream in your sleep now....)
  потом проснуться с счастливой улыбкой .....
(then wake up with happy smile.....)
I will never leave you before you can sleep, because i don't want to leave you alone........anymore
so this accident will never happen again to you
My young Yukio Hime

Black Diamond